Cross-border sanitation project evaluation in Ambos Nogales. Identifying the homogeneous from the diverse

Evaluación del proyecto de saneamiento transfronterizo en Ambos Nogales. Identificando lo homogéneo de lo diverso



Ambos Nogales, Cross-border sanitation, multiple correspondences


This article aims to characterize the Ambos Nogales population according to the opinions of the impacts generated by the expansion and modernization cross-border sanitation system project during 2000-2018 and identify ex post evaluation criteria to strengthen governance strategies for the public policies on water and sanitation. A representative random survey was applied at the city level. The information analysis was performed using the hierarchical cluster and multiple correspondence analysis methods. The results show the formation of groups of cities or population segments with high internal homogeneity and high intergroup heterogeneity. This empirical evidence allows us to build a typology of public opinion. Finally, to improve public opinion on this project, a series of actions aimed at promoting sustainable transboundary governance are proposed.


Este artículo tiene como objetivo caracterizar a la población de Ambos Nogales en función de sus opiniones sobre los impactos generados por el proyecto de ampliación y evaluación de proyectos de modernización del sistema de saneamiento transfronterizo durante el periodo 2000-2018, para identificar criterios de evaluación ex post que fortalezcan estrategias de gobernanza de políticas públicas en materia de agua y saneamiento. Se aplicó una encuesta aleatoria representativa a nivel ciudad. El análisis de información se realizó mediante el método de conglomerados jerárquicos y el método de análisis de correspondencias múltiples. Los resultados evidencian la conformación de grupos o segmentos de población con alta homogeneidad interna y alta heterogeneidad intergrupal en ambas ciudades, evidencia empírica permite construir una tipología de grupos de población. Como conclusión, se propone una serie de acciones con el objetivo de impulsar una gobernanza transfronteriza y sostenible tendiente a mejorar la opinión pública sobre dicha obra.  


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Author Biographies

Rigoberto García Ochoa

Mexican. Doctorate in urban and environmental studies by El Colegio de México. Professor-researcher at the Department of Urban Studies and Environment of El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Nogales Unit. Research lines: energy poverty, water and energy, sustainability in global value chains and sustainable development. Recent publication: García Ochoa, R. (2023). Energía, desarrollo y cambio climático en México: análisis de descomposición de las emisiones eléctricas, 2001-2019. El Trimestre Económico, 90(359), 731–771.

Adriana Zuniga-Teran

Mexican and American. Doctor of arid land resource sciences with specialization in global change by the University of Arizona. Assistant professor at the School of Geography, Development and Environment and the Udall Center for Public Policy Studies at the University of Arizona. Research lines: urban resilience, environmental justice, sustainable urban design, water security. Recent publication: Radonic, L. & Zuniga-Teran, A. (2023). When governing urban waters differently: Five tenets for socio-environmental justice. Sustainability, 15(2), 1598.

Luis Ernesto Cervera Gómez

Mexican. PhD in research by El Colegio de Chihuahua and PhD candidate in earth sciences in arid areas from the University of Arizona. Professor-researcher at El Colegio de Chihuahua. Research lines: spatial analysis (with emphasis on geographic information systems and remote perception) of social and physical phenomena, such as the geography of water, intra-urban violence, air quality and solar resource. Recent publication: Cervantes-Rendón, E., Ibarra-Bahena, J., Cervera-Gómez, L. E., Romero, R. J., Cerezo, J., Rodríguez-Martínez, A. & Dehesa-Carrasco, U. (2022). Rural Application of a Low-Pressure Reverse Osmosis Desalination System Powered by Solar-Photovoltaic Energy for Mexican Arid Zones.  Sustainability, 14(17), 10958.

Christopher A. Scott

American. Doctor of Hydrology, Cornell University. Professor-researcher in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management at the School of Agricultural Sciences at Pennsylvania State University. Research lines: water security, resistance to climate change, human-environment interactions and the nexus between water, energy and food. Recent publication: Mal, S., Dimri, A. P., Jeelani, G., Allen, S. K., Scott, C. A., Arora, M., ... & Lone, S. A. (2021). Determining the quasi monsoon front in the Indian Himalayas. Quaternary International, 599, 4-14.

Sergio Peña

Mexican.  PhD in urban and regional planning by The Florida State University.  Professor-researcher at the Department of Urban and Environmental Studies of El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Research lines: analysis of cross-border relations and cooperation with emphasis on urban and regional planning aspects. Recent publication: Peña, S. (2023). From territoriality to borderscapes: The conceptualisation of space in border studies. Geopolitics, 28(2), 766-794.

Tomas Balarezo Vasquez

Mexican. PhD in urban studies from the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. Associate Director, Knowledge Management, Banco de Desarrollo de América del Norte. Research lines: cross-border governance, urban sustainability and the study of international policy management.  

Stephanie Buechler

American. PhD in sociology from Binghamton University. Associate professor of research at Ag Sciences Global at Pennsylvania State University. Research areas: Water, energy, food (WEF) issues using feminist political ecology and environmental justice perspectives with a focus on low-income rural and urban communities. Recent publication: Buechler, S. & Hanson, A.-M. (Eds.). (2015). A political ecology of women, water and global environmental change. Routledge.

Jorge Alberto Muñan Valencia

Mexican. Master’s degree in applied economics from El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Head of research projects at the Nogales Institute of Technology and full professor of the Business Management Engineering Programme. Research lines: regional economy. Recent publication: García, R., Romo, L. & Muñan, J. (2014). Financial inclusion. An introductory analysis of regional differences in Mexico. Regional differences, civic technologies and written evaluation in Mexico. Cofactor, 5(10), July-December.

Karina Guadalupe Martinez-Molina

Mexican. Doctoral candidate in earth sciences in arid zones by the University of Arizona. Internship in the RISE program funded by the Arizona Institute for Resilience at the University of Arizona, in the Southwest Urban Corridor Integrated Field Laboratory project of the Resilient Solutions team at the University of Arizona. Recent publication: Buechler, S., Vázquez-García, V., Martínez-Molina, K. G., & Sosa-Capistrán, D. M. (2020). Patriarchy and (electric)? A feminist political ecology of solar energy use in Mexico and the United States. Energy Research & Social Science, 70, 101743.