Characterization of cross-border medical tourism in Ciudad Juarez motivated by the crisis derived from COVID-19

Caracterización del turismo médico transfronterizo en Ciudad Juárez motivado por la crisis derivada del COVID-19



medical tourism, pandemic, cross-border health, welfare state


The work links cross-border mobility and medical tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective was to analyze the behavior of medical tourism in Ciudad Juárez during October 2020 to July 2021 of this pandemic. The contextual variable is regular mobility compared to the activity of the trade in health services in border cities. It is a qualitative and exploratory study of 34 semi-structured interviews of real cases. Cross-border patients who come to Ciudad Juárez in search of health care for COVID-19 disease in public and private hospitals and for the care and follow-up of the related sequelae were found. The conclusions expose the vulnerability of people who carry out medical tourism and the institutional deficiencies that contribute to the challenges of the welfare state during the COVID-19 pandemic. The notion of the functionality of borders is identified.  


El trabajo vincula la movilidad transfronteriza y el turismo médico durante la pandemia de COVID-19. El objetivo fue analizar el comportamiento del turismo médico en Ciudad Juárez durante octubre de 2020 a julio de 2021 de esta pandemia. La variable contextual es la movilidad regular frente a la actividad del comercio de servicios de salud de las ciudades fronterizas. Es un estudio cualitativo y exploratorio de 34 entrevistas semiestructuradas de casos reales. Se encontraron pacientes transfronterizos que acuden a Ciudad Juárez en busca de atención sanitaria para la enfermedad de COVID-19 en hospitales públicos y privados y para la atención y seguimiento de las secuelas relativas. En las conclusiones se expone la vulnerabilidad de las personas que realizan turismo médico y las deficiencias institucionales que abonan a los desafíos del estado de bienestar durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Se identifica la noción de la funcionalidad de las fronteras.


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Author Biographies

María Teresa Martínez Almanza

Mexican.  PhD in humanities and culture from the University of Girona, Spain. Master’s degree in education and a specialty in teaching in higher education. Professor-researcher in the Department of Social Sciences of the UACJ. She has the recognitions to the profile Prodep and the National System of Investigators. Member of the Ibero-American Network of Researchers on Administration of Justice, New Technologies and Human Rights (Redhitec). Research lines: border, medical tourism, public policies, governance and migration. Recent publication: Martínez Almanza, M. T. (Coord.). (2021). Migración: una mirada multidisciplinar. Tirant lo Blanch.

Santos Morales

Mexican. Master of Legal Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. Professor-researcher of the Department of Legal Sciences of the UACJ. He has the recognition to the profile Prodep. Research lines: border, medical tourism, public policies, governance and migration. Recent publication: Martínez Almanza, M. T., Guía Julve, J., Morales Muñoz, S. A. & Esparza Santillana, M. A. (2018). Border medical tourism: the Ciudad Juárez medical product. Anatolia, 30(2), 258-266.

Jorge Antonio Breceda Pérez

Mexican. PhD from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Universidad de Barcelona, Spain. Professor-researcher of the Department of Legal Sciences of the UACJ. Member of the National System of Researchers. Research lines: constitutional law and human rights. Recent publication: Breceda Pérez, J. A. (2020). Violencia en la expresión de extranjero: el uso inadecuado del lenguaje en la designación de credenciales estatales. O Público e o Privado, 18(36).