Cross-border retail trade between Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua and El Paso, Texas

El comercio transfronterizo al menudeo entre Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua y El Paso, Texas



cross-border retail trade, Ciudad Juárez, El Paso, expenditure


The objective of the article is to analyze the impact of cross-border retail trade by estimating spending by sector on both sides of the Ciudad Juárez-El Paso cross-border conurbation. The expenditure estimation was done with the information provided by the cross-border survey of international bridge users, during the period October-December 2019. The results show that expenditures made by residents in Mexico who crossed into the United States were 177.7 million usd and those in the United States who crossed into Mexico 141.2 million, during the last quarter of 2019. Residents in Mexico indicate that their main reasons for crossing are shopping, work and school and U.S. residents to attend family reunions, medical or dental consultation and purchase medicine. Therefore, it is concluded that integration between the two cities is partial.


El objetivo del artículo es analizar el impacto del comercio transfronterizo al menudeo, para ello se busca estimar el gasto por sector en ambos lados de la conurbación transfronteriza de Ciudad Juárez-El Paso. La estimación del gasto se realizó con la información proporcionada por la encuesta transfronteriza a usuarios de puentes internacionales, durante el periodo octubre-diciembre de 2019. Los resultados muestran que los gastos que realizaron los residentes en México que cruzaron a Estados Unidos fueron de 177 700 000 de dólares y los de Estados Unidos que cruzaron a México 141 200 000, durante el último trimestre de 2019. Los residentes en México señalan que sus principales motivos de cruce son compras, trabajo y la escuela y los residentes de Estados Unidos para asistir a reuniones familiares, consulta médica o dental y compra de medicinas. Por lo anterior, se concluye que la integración entre ambas ciudades es parcial.


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Thematic section. Current situation and prospects for the economic integration in the Mexico-US border region

Author Biography

César M. Fuentes Flores

Mexican. PhD in urban and regional planning from the University of Southern California. Professor-researcher in the Department of Urban Studies and Environment of El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Research lines: analysis of territorial phenomena, through spatial and econometric modeling, as well as urban land, housing, transport and border studies. Recent publication: Fuentes, C. & Hernández, V. (2021). State biopolitics, illicit regimes and security in the Guatemala-Mexico cross-border region. Journal of Borderland Studies.