The new returnees of Yucatec Maya migration in the United States

Los nuevos retornados de la migración maya yucateca en Estados Unidos



Return, transnational return, new returnees, migration, Mayas


In this article we analyze the migration of girls and boys of Maya origin from the state of Yucatán who were born in the United States and who emigrated to Mexico with their families when they were minors between the decades of 1990 and 2010; currently, they are new returnees in the United States. Based on the perspective of transnational return, we examine family return to Mexico, return to the United States, and transnational mobility of this generation. We demonstrate that family members and new returnees are transnationally connected in the Peninsula de Yucatan-California-Oregon migratory circuit; that family return to Yucatan is due to family, social, and economic reasons and return to the United States happens for economic, educational, and labor motivation. Finally, we argue that the new returnees integrate in transnational family dynamics to contribute to generational reproduction and family livelihood in California and Yucatan.


En este artículo investigamos la migración de retorno de niñas y niños de origen maya del estado de Yucatán que nacieron en Estados Unidos, que emigraron a México con sus familias cuando eran menores de edad entre las décadas de 1990 y 2010, y que en la actualidad (2018) son nuevos retornados en Estados Unidos. Con base en la perspectiva del retorno transnacional se analiza el retorno familiar a México, el retorno a Estados Unidos y la movilidad transnacional de esta generación. Se demuestra una gran movilidad familiar en el circuito migratorio península de Yucatán-California-Oregón; el regreso a Yucatán por causas familiares, sociales y económicas; el retorno a Estados Unidos por cuestiones económicas, educativas, y laborales; y, la integración de los nuevos retornados en las dinámicas familiares transnacionales que posibilitan la reproducción generacional y el sustento familiar en California y Yucatán.


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Thematic section. Transnationalism, return and deportation: policies and migrants experiences

Author Biographies

Adriana Cruz-Manjarrez

Mexican. Teacher in ethnology and PhD in culture and performance studies from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Research professor at the University Centre for Social Research of the Universidad de Colima and member of the National System of Researchers, Level I. Research lines: transnational migration and return; Zapotec and Yucatec Maya migrations in Mexico and the United States; ethnicity, second generation of Mexican Indians in the United States; racism, language and identity in indigenous migrant populations; and gender, family and marriage. Recent publication: Cruz-Manjarrez, A. (2018). Mujeres indígenas migrantes en ciudades globales: nuevos actores de la globalización. En C. Sánchez, C. Zolla & G. Roldán (Eds.), Transferencias salariales indígenas y migración en México (pp. 51-64). unam, Programa Universitario de Estudios de la Diversidad Cultural y la Interculturalidad, Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas.

Patricia Baquedano-López

Mexican. PhD in applied linguistics from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). Associate professor at the School of Education at the University of California Berkeley. Research lines: Mexican migration to the United States, migration of indigenous families from Yucatan to California with emphasis on the study of ideologies and cultural and linguistic practices. Recent publication: Portes, P. R., Spencer Salas, P., Baquedano-López, P. & Mellom, P. J. (2014). u.s. Latinos and Education Policy: Research-based Directions for Change.