Possibilities of Mexican SMEs insertion in the aerospace industry value chain, the Baja California case

Posibilidades de inserción de pymes mexicanas en la cadena de valor de la industria aeroespacial, el caso de Baja California




aerospace industry, SMEs, foreign direct investment, Baja California, value chain


The goal of this article is to analyze the aerospace industry in Baja California, Mexico. The methodology is based on the application of an electronic questionnaire and face-to-face in depth interviews. Our results shows that the insertion of companies has been conditioned by several factors: the basic certification is only the first step; the real challenge is to find niches of opportunity and bargaining power to achieve a productive contract, which demands entrepreneurial, legal and economic skills. This analysis is a pioneer in the study of Mexican companies participating in this emerging sector. The main limitations were the access to the companies’ information and the rejection to participate in the study. The main finding is there are very few Mexican suppliers integrated to the global value aerospace chain but if the trend of growth is maintained, it may had greater integration in the near future, and possibly a greater economic spill and technology transfer.


El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar a las empresas de la industria aeronáutica en Baja California. La forma de aproximación a los resultados fue por medio de un cuestionario electrónico y entrevistas a profundidad. Los resultados muestran que la inserción de empresas ha estado condicionada por diversos factores, la certificación básica es solo el primer paso; el verdadero reto es encontrar nichos de oportunidad y capacidad de negociación para lograr contratos productivos, lo cual demanda habilidades empresariales, jurídicas y económicas. Este trabajo es pionero en el estudio de empresas mexicanas participantes en este sector emergente. La principal limitación fue el acceso a la información sobre las empresas y que accedieran a participar en este estudio; mientras que como hallazgo encontramos que muy pocas empresas son proveedores, pero si se mantiene una tendencia de crecimiento, se puede tener mayor integración en un futuro cercano, y eventualmente una mayor derrama económica y transferencia tecnológica.


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Author Biographies

Juana Hernández Chavarria

Mexican. PhD in Research in Social Sciences by Flacso-Mexico. Graduated in Administration and Master in Economy and Management of Innovation by the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco. She performs a postdoctoral degree in the Faculty of Economics of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and is a member of the Thematic Network Convergence sponsored by the Conacyt and candidate in the National System of Investigators. Research lines: technological and organizational capacities, technological innovation and new productive modalities in emerging sectors.

Jorge Carrillo

Mexican. He has been a professor-researcher at El Colegio de la Frontera since its founding in 1982. He holds a PhD in Sociology from El Colegio de México. He has the highest category within the sni and is a member of editorial committees of important magazines in Mexico and abroad. He actively participates in boards of directors of international research networks. In 2015 he received the State Award of Science and Technology of Baja California. Among his recent publications: Carrillo, J. H. & Micheli, J. (2017). Huawei y Foxconn: casos pioneros de la nueva internacionalización y expansión regional de China en México. Estudios Sociales, Revista de Alimentación Contemporánea y Desarrollo Regional, 27(50).