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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

  • The authors must send the signed Letter of Commitment (Carta compromiso) in PDF or JPG format to the email
  • Articles may be submitted in Spanish or English.
  • The title of the article (a maximum of 15 words) should be included in both Spanish and English and clearly and concisely express the content of the article. The title must be written in 14-point Times New Roman, in bold and centered (download template).
  • In addition, a summary (abstract) in Spanish and English is requested, with a maximum of 150 words, presenting the objective of the article, the time and place, methodology, characteristics of the research sample (if applicable), the results, limitations, value, and conclusions.
  • Include a list of 3 to 5 keywords in Spanish and English.
  • The body of the text of the article and notes should not contain any information that reveals the identity of the authors to ensure an anonymous evaluation by the academic peers who will make a decision.
  • The structure of the article will (at minimum) include an introduction that clearly reflects the background of the work, research approach, objectives, and structure of the article, followed by the methodology used and procedures and ending with the conclusions and references
  • Articles written in Microsoft Word, including text, tables, and figures, should be between 8 000 and 10 000 words, in letter size with margins of 2.54 centimeters, written in Times New Roman of 12 points, with single-line spacing, without spaces between paragraphs nor line breaks, and paragraphs must be justified. The pages must be numbered from the first to the last in the lower right margin.
  • The article must have a clear structure and properly present the hierarchy of sections and paragraphs differentiated only by typography, without using Arabic or Roman numerals.
  • For first-level headings or section titles, use Times New Roman, 16 point, bold and centered.
  • For the second-level headings or section subtitles, use Times New Roman, 14 point, bold and centered.
  • For third-level headings or section subsections, use Times New Roman, 13 point, bold and centered.
  • For the use of acronyms and abbreviations in the body of the text, it is recommended that the term is written in full and the acronym placed in parentheses at first mention. Example: organization of the United Nations (UN), then only UN.
  • The articles will not include attachments or appendices, so all the information in the article should be contained in the body of the article or as footnotes.
  • The articles will not include epigraphs.
  • Any footnotes should be included at the bottom of the page, written in 12-point Times New Roman, with single-line spacing, without spaces between footnotes and with justified margins.
  • When the article includes formulas or mathematical language, the Microsoft Word equation editor should be used.
  • The tables will be numbered consecutively in ascending order with Arabic numerals and will be included in the body of the text as close as possible to their mention in the article. The caption will be placed above the table, and the source will be placed below the table, with both elements centered and written in 12-point Times New Roman, unbolded.
  • The figures (graphs, diagrams, maps, photographs, etc.), preferably presented in color, will have a consecutive numbering in Arabic numerals and will be inserted in the body of the text as close as possible to their mention in the article. The caption will be placed below the figure, and the source will be placed above the figure, with both elements centered and written in 12-point Times New Roman.
  • In addition to being inserted in the body of the article, all graphic elements will be sent as complementary files and delivered in color, in a separate file in JPG or PNG format, with a resolution of 300 dpi and without the caption (title) and source. Any graphs prepared in Microsoft Excel must also be in color, and the source file must be attached.
  • If the article is approved for publication, a photograph or image related to the subject of the article will be requested from the author in JPG or PNG format, with a resolution of 300 dpi. The author must own the rights to the photograph, send a photo free of copyrights, or provide credit to the owner of the image. The purpose is to illustrate the article in the Estudios Fronterizos website and for the dissemination of the document in academic networks used by the journal.
  • As a supplementary file in an individual document in Microsoft Word format, the following should also be provided:
    • The name of the authors (it is recommended that academics choose their professional name and standardize their signature in their work to facilitate the retrieval of their scientific publications), followed by their unique ORCID identifier, which likewise should coincide with your professional signature. For more information, go to org
    • The name and acronym of the authors’ institutional affiliations, including the department, city, country, and email of each author.
    • Indicate the author that will be designated for receiving correspondence and provide their email.
    • A curriculum vitae of each author in a paragraph of up to 100 words maximum, including nationality, highest academic degree attained and the institution where it was obtained, position and current institution of affiliation, research lines and recent publication.



For citations and bibliographical references, the author-date style will be used, including the first author’s surname and the year of publication in parentheses, and when necessary, include the page number consulted; all included information should be separated by commas (González, 2013, p.15).

The author can introduce two different types of citations:

Direct citations refer to citations when the words of the cited material are exactly transcribed. These citations are enclosed in quotation marks if the quote has less than 40 words. At the end of the quote, the author, the year and the page are added in parentheses. Example:

“Desde la antigüedad el hombre ha dejado registro de sus ideas y esto ha permitido que otros las conozcan, estudien y transformen” (Barros, 2013, p. 14).

If the quote has more than 40 words, the text is written in an independent block, without quotation marks, and with a 4-cm indentation only on the left side and justified margins. Example:

According to Barros (2013):

Por otro lado, la argumentación ha sido definida como la acción del lenguaje mediante la cual se busca persuadir al destinatario. Sin embargo es una de las construcciones gramaticales más complejas porque implica una serie de afirmaciones lógicas que buscan persuadir a un interlocutor. Los textos argumentativos son aquellos en los que el escrito toma postura ante un hecho o tema y se propone persuadir al destinatario de “su” verdad. Por esta razón el escritor se hace presente en su enunciado, por medio de la primera persona. A diferencia del texto explicativo, el argumentativo busca un enfoque particular de los hechos o temas, o la fundamentación del juicio. En este sentido presenta juicios divergentes que propician debates (p. 19).

Indirect citation refers to situationswhen ideas that appear in another work are interpreted or mentioned. It is recommended to indicate the page or paragraph if the text from where they were taken is lengthy. Example:

According to Barros (2013), man has known how to and been able to modify the world through the study of his own traces throughout history.

Footnotes will be reserved for expansion of the text or clarifications by the author, numbered ascendingly with Arabic numerals.



  • Verify that there are no inconsistencies between the works cited in the body of the text and the information presented in the references section, following the rules of the 7th of the APA style publication manual. If the citation and referencing standards are not complied, the document will not continue with the review process and will be sent back to the author to make the necessary adjustments. To facilitate the preparation of the references, a reference manager is suggested.
  • Only the works cited in the body and footnotes of the article, alphabetically ordered by author, will be included in the list of references. If there are two or more works by the same author, these should be listed chronologically, starting with the oldest. Works by the same author and year of publication will have a, b, c... added to them. For example:

Sandoval, E.(2013a)

Sandoval, E. (2013b)

Consider following the following examples:


García, J. C. (2003). La vejez. Mexico: Plaza y Valdés.

Coordinated book chapter:

Venegas, F. R. (2012). Environmental factors, promoters of changes in land use in Baja California. In A. Ranfla & L. M. Ortega (Coords.), Urban processes in Baja California: Analysis, planning and sustainability (pp. 159-184). Urban Research Network, UABC.

Printed periodic publication:

Brenna, J.E. (2011). La mitología fronteriza: Turner y la modernidad. Estudios Fronterizos, 12(24), 9-34.


Baker, J. L. (2000). Evaluación del impacto de los proyectos de desarrollo en la pobreza: Manual para profesionales.

Swanwick, T. (ed.) (2010). Understanding medical education:evidence, theory and practice. [Versión electrónica de Wiley Online Library Books].

Periodic publication without the DOI retrieved online:

Benedetti, A. (2014). Espacios fronterizos del sur sudamericano. Propuesta de un modelo conceptual para su estudio. Estudios Fronterizos, 15(29) 11-47. articulo.oa?id=53031359001

Periodic publication with the DOI retrieved online:

López, J. & Díaz, M. P. (2013). La modernización social de la vejez en España. Revista Internacional de Sociología, 71(1) 65-89.

For examples of other sources not included here, consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th English edition.

The Editorial Office reserves the right to make the style corrections and editorial changes necessary to improve the work.



The author is fully committed to avoid the submission of articles that might be published in Estudios Fronterizos, to other journals simultaneously. The author(s) will attach a Letter of Commitment to their proposal, declaring that the proposed document is an original piece and that said document has not been fully or partially published in any printed, electronic, online or any other media publication before; they must also state that their sources are fully cited and referenced, thus proving that they own the publishing rights to the proposed document, as well as the contents and materials included in the article, or that they have been authorized by the owner, so that any claim is full responsibility of the author of said work.

Letter of Commitment (Carta compromiso) must be signed by every participating author and sent in PDF format to the following Only documents with a maximum of four participating articles will be received; Proposals with a higher number of participating authors will be received as long as the complexity and length of the document justifies the amount of participants. In such case, the editorial team will require further documented proof stating that said article is the product of a researching team and its efforts.

Once an author’s work has been published in Estudios Fronterizos, they should wait at least two volumes from the time their article was published to resubmit a new proposal, previously evaluated and approved by the journal. Estudios Fronterizo’s editorial team will translate those articles approved for publication, into English; the translated version will be sent to the author for further approval before its final publication.

The editorial coordination at Estudios Fronterizos reserves the right to make any style corrections or editorial changes they consider appropriate for the improvement of the document. Likewise, the editorial coordination might forward or delay any approved articles with the purpose of improving the thematic composition of each number. Estudios Fronterizos does not charge APCs or submission charges.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.