Interculturality and identity on Europe’s southern border: the vision of its young inhabitants

Interculturalidad e identidad en la frontera sur de Europa: la visión de sus habitantes jóvenes



identity, cultural diversity, youth, border


This research analyzes the perceptions of youths living in the border space of the Strait of Gibraltar; a maritime and land border that not only separates two countries (Spain and Morocco) but also two continents (Europe and Africa). Thirty-nine youths residing in Algeciras, La Línea, Tangiers and Tetouan were interviewed about cultural positioning and identity; border space (opportunities and tensions) and emigration. The interviews were conducted between October 2019 and February 2020 in Spanish and Arabic according to the interviewee’s mother tongue and analyzed using Nvivo 12. Cultural diversity is recognized and generally perceived as something positive on both sides of the border, although there are certain issues that can strain relations between the two groups, these include religion, freedom versus discipline and control over being young and the role assigned to women in each culture


Esta investigación analiza las percepciones de jóvenes que habitan el espacio fronterizo del Estrecho de Gibraltar; una frontera marítima y terrestre que no solo separa dos países (España y Marruecos) sino también dos continentes (Europa y África). Se entrevistó a 39 jóvenes residentes en Algeciras, La Línea, Tánger y Tetuán, sobre posicionamiento cultural e identidad, espacio fronterizo (oportunidades y tensiones) y emigración. Las entrevistas fueron realizadas entre octubre de 2019 y febrero de 2020 en español y en árabe según la lengua materna del entrevistado y analizadas mediante NVivo 12. La diversidad cultural es reconocida y se percibe en general como algo positivo en ambos lados de la frontera, si bien existen ciertos temas que pueden tensionar las relaciones entre ambos colectivos como la religión, la libertad versus la disciplina y el control sobre el ser joven y el rol que se le asigna a la mujer en cada cultura


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Author Biographies

Cristina Goenechea

Spanish. PhD in educational sciences from the University of Santiago de Compostela (2004). Associate Professor in the Department of Didactics at the Universidad de Cádiz (Spain). Research lines: intercultural education, social justice and teacher training. Recent publication: Gallego-Noche, B., Goenechea, C., Gómez-Ruiz, M. Á. & Machín-Alvarez, M. (2023). Towards intercultural education: exploring perceptions of cultural diversity and identities of adolescents living in the border area between Spain and Morocco. Education Sciences, 13(6), Article 559. 

Macarena Machin Alvarez

Spanish. PhD in social and political sciences, specializing in international migration and human rights, from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2019). Researcher of the Margarita Salas program in the Department of Didactics of the Universidad de Cádiz. Research lines: inequalities, migrations and environmental education. Recent post: Gallego-Noche, B., Goenechea, C., Gómez-Ruiz, M. Á. & Machín-Alvarez, M. (2023). Towards intercultural education: exploring perceptions of cultural diversity and identities of adolescents living in the border area between Spain and Morocco. Education Sciences, 13(6), Article 559. 

Soukaina Belkat

Moroccan. PhD in educational sciences from the Universidad de Cádiz and the Abdelmalek Essaâdi University (thesis in international co-supervision). He works at the Moroccan Association for the Integration of Immigrants. Research lines: intercultural education, Islamophobia and inclusion of the Moroccan population. Recent publication: Belkat, S. & Goenechea, C. (2019). Hacerse mujer entre dos mundos. Identidad e integración escolar de las adolescentes marroquíes escolarizadas en España. Revista Espacios, 40(26), 1-15.