About the Journal

» Approach and Scope
» Periodicity
» Type of Documents
» Target Audience
» Indexing of Estudios Fronterizos
» Academic Publishing Units
» Publishing Institution
» History of the Journal
» About this Publication System

Approach and Scope

Estudios Fronterizos (REF) is an open access digital peer-reviewed journal. Its purpose is to provide a space to debate the knowledge generated about borders in general, international borders, regions and border and cross-border phenomena around the world.

The journal publishes an annual volume, structured in two sections, a general article section and a thematic section.

Given the multidisciplinary nature of border studies, the documents that are published involve disciplinary or interdisciplinary approaches from sociology, anthropology, history, geography, economics, demography, political science and international relations. The REF also presents a platform for various theoretical and methodological approaches. The following thematic areas are among the subject matter of the journal: a) theoretical approaches and methodological proposals for border studies; b) mobility and migration; c) demography and population policies; d) development, economic integration, industry, employment, trade and tourism; e) historical construction and transformation of border regions; f) sociocultural processes, daily life and border experiences; g) binational and cross-border cooperation, governance and paradiplomacy; h) public policies and border security; i) border cities, metropolization, regional development, infrastructure, and urbanization process; j) environmental aspects and sustainability of the border regions; and k) border spaces and territories.


Since 2018, Estudios Fronterizos has adopted a model of continuous publication (rolling pass), the articles approved and ready to be published are added to an annual volume, being incorporated into the general section of articles or the thematic section as appropriate.

Type of Documents

The REF publishes high-quality academic level documents that present original research results, case studies, theoretical analyses or methodological proposals.

Target Audience

The REF is aimed primarily at an audience of researchers and professors specialized in teaching and research in the fields of social sciences and humanities and to undergraduate and graduate students in these same areas of study.

Indexing of Estudios Fronterizos

  Índice de Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la UNAM (CLASE)
  Latindex Catálogo 2.0
  Google Scholar
    Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe (Redalyc)
    Hispanic American Periodical Index (HAPI)
    Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
    Informe Académico, GALE CENSAGE Learning
    Fuente Académica, EBSCO
  Sistema de Clasificación de Revistas Mexicanas de Ciencia y Tecnología, Conahcyt
  Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico
  Scielo Citation Index
  Emerging Sources Citation Index, Web of Science de  Clarivate Analytics
  European Reference Index for the Humanities, ERIHPlus
  Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas, MIAR
  Bibliografía Latinoamericana en revistas de investigación científica y social
    Red Latinoamericana de Revistas

Academic Publishing Units

Estudios Fronterizos is a publication of the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, in which ten Academic Units (AUs) located in the Mexicali, Tijuana and Ensenada campuses of this university participate collaboratively. The directors of the AU are members of the Board of Directors, whose main function is to promote and manage the institutional sustainability of the journal’s projects.

History of the Journal

The first edition of the journal Estudios Fronterizos (REF) was published in 1983, edited by the Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales of the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC). Its first period concluded in 1997 with 40 issues published. In the year 2000, the REF began a new era, and with it the journal also inaugurated its online publication, providing full-text articles in PDF format on the Internet. As of 2004, Estudios Fronterizos was restructured such that the nine academic units (AUs) of the UABC were incorporated, and one more was added, leading to the participation of ten AUs to date. As part of this restructuring, and with institutional support, a project was proposed to increase the scientific and editorial quality of the publication, efforts that were reflected in its acceptance in 2007 in the Índice de Revistas Mexicanas de Ciencia y Tecnología (Index of Mexican Journals of Scientific Research) of Conacyt and its ratification in 2012. In 2017, it was evaluated as an International Competition journal in the new Sistema de Clasificación de Revistas de Ciencia y Tecnología (System for Classification of Science and Technology Journals) of Conacyt. The accreditation and acceptance into other important databases and regional and global scientific information systems, such as Sicelo Citation Index-Clarivate Analytics, Redalyc, Catálogo Latindex, Emerging Sources Citation Index, WoS-Clarivate Analytics, ERIH-PLUS, Dialnet, REDIB, and EBSCO, among others, have been added throughout its trajectory.

In 2015, a project was conducted so that the online version complied with the international standards of digital publication. In 2015, its publication was implemented on the Open Journal System publishing platform, and bilingual content publication was also initiated. The REF maintained its publication in printed and digital format until vol. 17, no. 33 of 2016, when the decision was taken to continue publishing exclusively in digital format for the purpose of enhancing the possibilities of digital publication. The REF publishes full-text articles in both Spanish and English in PDF, HTML, EPUB and XML JATS formats. In 2018, the REF adopted a new model of continuous publication, where the articles will be structured in annual volumes, and the articles will be published once approved and edited, streamlining the process of scientific communication. After more than 30 years of publication, the REF has made an important contribution to the field of border studies, with empirical, theoretical and methodological proposals for the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary study of border regions in Ibero-America.

About this Publication System

This journal uses Open Journal Systems 3.3, which is an open access journal manager and software developed, financed and distributed free of charge by the Public Knowledge Project subject to the GNU General Public License.