Editorial policies

» Section Policies
» Peer Review Process
» Open Access Policy
» Self-archiving policy
» Policy on Charges for Submissions and Processing of Articles
» Preservation Policy
» Ethics code
» Persistent identifiers
» Anti-Plagiarism Policy
» Copyright Policy
» Privacy Statement
» Complaints

Section Policies


The author agrees not to simultaneously submit the articles sent for possible publication in Estudios Fronterizos to other journals.
The author(s) must accompany his/her proposal with a letter of commitment (Carta compromiso), in which he/she declares to be the author of the proposed document and that it has not been published either in entirety or partially in another printed, electronic, internet or any other means of publication, It is a original contribution, that all its sources are duly cited and referenced. The author declares ownership of the copyright or the authorization of those who own it, the content and the materials included in the article, such that any claim on this subject is the sole responsibility of the author.
The letter of commitment must be signed by all the authors who participate in the article and be directed in PDF or JPG format to the email ref@uabc.edu.mx.
Only documents with a maximum of four authors will be received, and proposals with a larger number will only be accepted provided that the complexity and length of the document justify the collaboration of the participants.
Once published in Estudios Fronterizos, an author must wait one complete volume for the evaluation, acceptance, and publication of a new proposal in the journal.
The editorial team of the journal will translate the articles accepted for publication into English or Spanish. The translated version of the article will be sent to the author prior to its publication, allowing a maximum period of 5 calendar days for the author to send their observations or approval, and if the author does not respond, it is assumed that he/she accepts the translation.
The Editorial Office of the REF reserves the right to correct the editorial style and make any changes it deems necessary to improve the work as well as reserves the right to advance or postpone the accepted articles with the purpose of improving the composition of the annual volume in publication.


As of 2018, book reviews were discontinued, and the articles section will be the only section integrating with the structure of the annual volume, under the modality of continuous publication of content.

Peer Review Process

Once the article is received, an editorial pre-review or editorial review will be made to verify that the proposal complies with the rules of presentation and is within the thematic scope of the journal. If the editorial review is approved, the academic review process will begin.

The articles will be submitted to a process of external review by academic peers under the modality of double blindness by members of the journal’s portfolio of reviewers, which is composed of recognized academics from national and international institutions. Therefore, it is requested not to include information in the article that leads to the identification of the authors.

All the works will be submitted for review by two external reviewers to the institution of adscription of the authors and usually external to the publishing institution. In cases in which there is no agreement between the two reviewers, a third reviewer will be used. The reviewers will provide elements so that the director and/or members of the Editorial Board of the journal can make a final decision on the publication of the article.

The decision can have one of the following results:

  1. Recommended for publication without modifications.
  2. Recommended for publication with minor changes that do not require a second review by reviewers.
  3. c. Publication is conditional upon the realization of important changes, and the reviewers require a new revision. This process can be repeated for a maximum of three rounds—if, at this point, the document is not yet recommended for publication, the article will be rejected without the option to submit again. Upon receiving the reviewers’ comments, the author will have a period of 15 (calendar) days to submit revisions of the work to the editor; if not completed within this period, a new decision process will begin.
  4. Its publication is not recommended.

The turnaround time for the decision is, on average, six weeks. The external academic peer-review process lasts a maximum of 12 weeks. The average time between receipt, approval, and publication in Estudios Fronterizos is six months.

To be published, an article must have the recommendation of two reviewers. The results of the peer-review process are final.

Download Review Report Format.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge. All contents of Estudios Fronterizos are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license and can be used for free giving credit to the authors and the journal.

Self-archiving policy

In Estudios Fronterizos the authors retain the right to their article to make other non-exclusive agreements for self-archiving, deposit, or distribution of the publisher's version published in this journal, such as inclusion in institutional, national, or international repositories or personal web sites, and clearly indicate that the document was first published in Estudios Fronterizos, include volume, year, and DOI of the article.

Policy on Charges for Submissions and Processing of Articles

Estudios Fronterizos does not charge for submitting, processing and publishing articles received (APC) in the journal.

The cost generated by the translation into English or Spanish of the articles is assumed in its entirety by the journal.

Preservation Policy

Estudios Fronterizos is part of the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) to digitally preserve OJS journals.
For additional details about PKP PN see https://pkp.sfu.ca/pkp-pn/ 
Archival status https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2395-9134#

Persistent identifiers

All articles published in Estudios Fronterizos have assigned a unique and permanent identifier of digital objects (doi) to facilitate their perpetuity, localization and recovery.

Authors who publish in Estudios Fronterizos should provide their persistent ORCID identifier to eliminate the ambiguity of their names and signatures and facilitate the correct attribution of authorship of their articles.

Anti-Plagiarism Policy

The editorial team of the journal will review the manuscripts proposed for publication in this publication with iThenticate software to identify possible plagiarism. The percentage of coincidence must be minimal. If a high percentage of similarity is identified, and plagiarism or duplication or redundancy of publication is verified, the article will be rejected prior to beginning the decision process.

Copyright Policy

Once the decision has been made, and if the article is approved for publication, the authors must accept the following conditions:

  1. The authors keep the copyright and assign to the journal Estudios Fronterizos the patrimonial right of the first publication, with the work registered with the Creative Commons attribution license, which allows third parties to use what is published whenever they mention the authorship of the work and the first publication in this journal.
  2. The submitted article and all the materials included in it will be reproduced, published, translated, communicated and transmitted publicly in any form or medium; as well as public communication, in each of its modalities, including making it available to the public through electronic means or any other technology, exclusively for scientific, cultural, and dissemination and purposes.
  3. The authors can make other independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the article published in this journal (for example, inclusion of the article in an institutional repository, personal web page, dissemination in academic networks or publication in a book) as long as it is clearly indicated that the work was published for the first time in Estudios Fronterizos and indicate the volume, year and DOI of the article.

To do this, the author(s) must submit the Letter of Copyright Transfer Agreement of First Publication form duly filled out and signed by the author(s). This format can be sent by email as a pdf file to the email ref@uabc.edu.mx (Letter-Copyright Transfer of the Autor / Carta-Cesión de Propiedad de Derechos de Autor ).

Creative Commons License
Articles in Estudios Fronterizos in the formats PDF, HTML, EPUB y XML are published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses used in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for their use for other purposes.


Complaints, disagreements or disputes that arise between those participating in the editorial process of the journal Estudios Fronterizos will be resolved by consulting the COPE guidelines. Please direct your communication to ref@uabc.edu.mx