ReviewEstudios Fronterizos, vol. 18, núm. 37, 2017, 150-154

Marina del Pilar Olmeda García. (2013). Evolución de la Constitución de Baja California. México: Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. ISBN: 978-607-607-170-0

Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda1

1 Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Políticas y Universidad Vizcaya de las Américas. Mexicali, México, email:

The main goal of the book is to present the results of an investigation about the development of the legislative process of the institutions that incorporate the Ley Fundamental de Baja California. This is made systematically, based on the structure and under the chronology and context of its evolution.

 Within this book, the author describes an academic experience through an investigation where law, history and other sciences are deeply and interdisciplinarily involved. The author deals with both disciplines with much respect given the importance of both of them in the understanding of legal knowledge and the contributions that historical-sociological investigation provides.

This investigation is based on the evolution of the constitution from the state of Baja California as a written testimony of the legal-political history of this federative organization (entidad federativa) in each of its stages. The investigation advocates the analysis of the formation of our own public institutions according to the development of the sociocultural identity from this region of the country and based on the ontological, epistemological and axiological criteria from the design of the local constitutions.

Regarding the contents, the book is divided by two sections. The first one systemizes the constitutional history of Baja California from the 19th century by presenting an analysis of how this federative organization was treated by the Republic Constitutions of 1824 (Constituciones de la República de 1824), the Constitution of 1836 (Constitución de 1836), the Organic Bases of 1843 (Bases Orgánicas de 1843), the Border Agreements of 1848 and 1853 (Tratados de límites de 1848 y 1853), and it concludes with the Constitution of 1857 (Constitución de 1857). In this first thematic axis about the origins and the 19th century, the next topics are particularly reviewed:

As a second thematic axis of this work, it is presented the constitutional history of the state from the 20th century until the first decade of the 21st century. This section is structured by fifteen chapters, starting with the treatment that the current Constitution of 1917 (Constitución de 1917) granted to this region of Mexico. The first chapter of this section is closed explaining the origin and creation of the constitution of Baja California. Here stands out the strong part that the local groups took by making committees for the creation of this federative organization. It is described the making process of the first state elections for seven constituent representatives, which was celebrated on March 29th 1953.

The following 14 chapters present an analysis of the constitutional evolution of this federative organization that is the object of study. This is made by studying every single of their institutions. Specifically, in this second section named ''20th century and first decade of the 21st'' (Siglo XX y primera década del XXI), the next topics are addressed:

The Legislative Power, which is part of title III of the Constitution of Baja California, is deeply studied in this section of the book. The author argument various observations about these normative contents. She qualifies them in general terms as over-constitutionalized, considering the themes and subthemes that refer to particular procedures and rules which could been established in regulatory laws.

This organic part continues with the Executive Power of the title IV of the Constitution of Baja California. The structure of the bajacalifornian public administration is explained, following the chosen methodology. Every reform and additions that had been added to the fundamental law are highlighted chronologically in this section.

Judicial Power is analyzed in the title V of the Constitution of Baja California. It abounds the content of the articles in the integration of judicial bodies, requirements to be functionary, highlighted reforms, and reviews, as well as commentaries form relative percepts.

 At the closure of her work, the author includes an annexes section which grants the reader a better understanding with an integral vision about the local constitution. It is presented the motives exposition of the Political Constitution of the Free and Sovereign State of Baja California (Constitución Política del Estado Libre y Soberano de Baja California), which was issued on August 16th 1953. It gives a lesson of the historical treatment through presenting the social realities in the bajacalifornian context. It is also systematized a ''Historical sypnosis of the constitution'' (Sinopsis histórica de la constitución), wherein the exposed content of the work was comprehended and the addressed issues were correlated, placing by sections the constitutional precepts with their respective titles and chapters.

As a conclusion it is necessary to recognize that the mentioned book is sustained with quotes and references of classic and contemporary jurists. Therefore alongside the argumentation and investigate work of the author, it establishes a legal and historical contribution which will be of great help for students, scholars, lawyers, legislators, members of the court, those who deliberate about legal problems and the collective events of human development, and generally, everyone who finds itself interested by institutions and history of Baja California. This book will be a valuable source of information to be considered.

It is clearly established throughout the book, that law cannot be comprehended or studied without its history, because legal phenomena cannot be understood or interpreted if the past events, origin, and evolution through the different stages of human development are unknown.

In order to analyze, investigate, or make proposals about law, objective elements that permit us comprehend rationally and systematically the legal experience are needed. It must start with the historical facts, because it is needed to understand the human development in its different stages and places. These elements are sublimely examined in the work of the Dr. Marina del Pilar Olmeda García. Scientific information and explanations of history enlighten the law about the changes and evolution that it have passed since its origins.

It is worthy to remark the methodology carefully applied in this investigation. We can appreciate the respect and dedication of the author about the science of law and history as well. In this sense, the work ends up being an enlightening journey both as historical heritage, as well as legal work.


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Tena, F. (2010). Derecho Constitucional Mexicano. México: Porrúa.

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